...and drink no wine, and are therefore no good at parties
how happy I am with my new blog layout? Oh yeah, this feels right... it does, it really does. There's a few things I may tweak and work on (like posting the date on comments... right now just the time of day shows), but this is basically it.
Last night, Heather and I dined on succulent fish filet, breaded, spiced, massaged gently, and baked. To accompany, we had a starch of small, cubed potatoes.
Our fish sticks and tater tots were nummy.
Then we watched a whole gaggle of
Scrubs episodes... is there anyone as funny as John C. McGinley? Dr. Cox makes me laugh my ass off constantly.
Dr. Cox: (to Dr. Kelso)
You'd better go ahead and enjoy this while you can, Bob, because if your evil genie goes ahead and grants your wish and I'm gone forever then the only one your going to be able to contend with around here is yourself, and when you really get to know THAT person, oh dear God, you'll scream so loud that Satan will want to tear up that contract he made with you at birth just so he can get some sleep.
Love it.
More later. If there's anything worth saying.