...and drink no wine, and are therefore no good at parties
Two weeks ago in her syndicated column, Ann Coulter wrote the following:
As Republicans were saying repeatedly -- captured on Lexis-Nexis for a year before it showed up in a [Republican pollster] Frank Luntz talking-points memo in 2004 -- the savages have declared war, and it's far preferable to fight them in the streets of Baghdad than in the streets of New York (where the residents would immediately surrender). That strategy appears to be working. Then again, maybe it's just that it's so damnably hard to find parking in New York ...
Then yesterday on Hannity & Colmes, the She-Man
clarified and repeated her statements:
COLMES: Is that what that is? You certainly don't feel that New Yorkers are cowards?
COULTER: I think they would immediately surrender.
COLMES: So you do think that?
COULTER: I don't -- I don't think -- I think I'd rather have them trying to invade Mississippi or Georgia, Alabama, you know, the states where I want Cindy Sheehan's bus tour to go.

What a fucking cunt. By the way, the whole "talking head with word stamped on their forehead" trend around here is dying soon, I promise.