...and drink no wine, and are therefore no good at parties
Okay not really.
That's just my lame-ass excuse for not blogging much lately.
I recently found a good use for my shitty laptop... it's an old IBM ThinkPad 760xl, a 166MHz Pentium processer, 104(??)MB of RAM, a 2.1GB HDD, and a 4x CD-ROM (swappable with a 1.44MB FDD)... I found a copy of MS-DOS 6.22 (the last version available before Windows95 came out) and loaded it on there... now I can play all my favorite old DOS games, like the Sierra On-Line and LucasArts adventure games and stuff...
DOSGames.com is about to become my favorite site (though, thanks to Usenet, I've already grabbed @ 120 games). Yay!