...and drink no wine, and are therefore no good at parties
Disneyland in something like... 28 hours or so (check timer to upper right for live countdown)...
Weather is supposed to drop pretty good all weekend... highs in the mid 80s (thu), high 70s (fri), mid 70s (sat) and low 70s (sun)... lows in the mid-50s all weekend. I thought L.A. was supposed to be all, y'know,
This basically means I have to pack shorts and jeans for at least two days, because who knows how it will actually "feel," with any kind of wind, or maybe the humidity steps up and it feels warmer... I dunno.
All I know is in less than 30 hours I'm heading to the Happiest Place on Earth. And fuck yes, it is. I promised Heather the very first ride we will go on will be Alice in Wonderland. So there's that. Something to look forward to!