I haven't blogged in for-ev-er again. Damn.
Red, White, & Blog was a mistake... apparently, I don't like writing about what I consider to be an incredible depressing political situation, both domestically and internationally. Oh well. I have the domain name, nothing says I can't try again some time.
I just realized that I stopped work on the wedding site with not much to go... you can still read Heather's musings at heatherandsteve.blogspot.com, but hopefully this weekend I will launch steveandheatherwedding.com that will include the blog, plus photo albums, gift registry info, information about the site of the ceremony and reception, links to vendors/etc. we're using, and so on.
Then, after that, I will try my hand at a different focused-topic blog... something significantly less depressing and, in many ways, easier to keep track of than politics... all I need is my blogroll and a couple Google News alerts, and I should be on top (or near the top) of breaking stories about Disney when I launch HappiestPageOnEarth.com... but the wedding site comes first. And then I have to talk to Alana about a site for her. And I think Adam still wants something.
Congrats to Monsieur Daryl on the recent engagement. Welcome to the club, my main man my bro!
Also, the coolest new Disney blog on the intarwebs is Re-Imagineering run by, apparently, a few former and current Imagineers (and Pixar employees?). Very cool. Check it.
I will try to blog more. Happy Ash Wednesday and start of Lent to all you Catholics out there! Woohoo! Yay for giving stuff up for the Lord!
Leemelone, it's early.
February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006